Computer Process Controls, Inc.
1640 Airport Road Suite #104
Kennesaw, GA 31044
Phone 770-425-2724
Fax 770-425-9319
The information contained in this manual has been carefully checked and is believed
to be accurate. However, Computer Process Controls, Inc. assumes no responsibility
for any inaccuracies that may be contained herein. In no event will Computer Process
Controls, Inc. be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
damages resulting from any defect or omission in this manual, even if advised of the
possibility of such damages. In the interest of continued product development, Com-
puter Process Controls, Inc. reserves the right to make improvements to this manual,
and the products described herein, at any time without notice or obligation.
Table of Contents
1 OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 LAUNCHING INSITE .................................................................................................................................................. 1
3 LOGIN ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1
4 LICENSING ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4.1. CORE LICENSING .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
4.2. FEATURE LICENSING .................................................................................................................................................... 2
5 CREATE A DIRECTORY STRUCTURE.................................................................................................................. 2
5.1. ADD A DIRECTORY ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
5.2. ADD A SITE .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
5.3. ADD A CONTROL SYSTEM............................................................................................................................................ 3
5.3.1. Security Settings.................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.4. SET UP USERS (OPTIONAL) .......................................................................................................................................... 3
InSite Quick Start Guide
Table of Contents • v
3. Click the I Agree button to begin using the
application. (First-time users will be present-
ed with the license agreement window.)
4. Once your login has been validated, the home
page will open where the navigation tree and
main information window are located.
This manual gives step-by-step instructions to show you
how to log in to InSite, set up the navigation tree, user ac-
cess, and communication information. From the navigation
tree you can connect to controllers, set up directory, site,
control system, and unit information.
Launching InSite
InSite has basic (core) and extra features that are activated
by obtaining a license. The license key must be entered on
the Feature Licensing page to activate the desired feature.
A core license key activates core features and the feature li-
cense key activates feature functionalities of InSite.
To begin using InSite, open a Web browser:
If running the same computer on which InSite was in-
field. If running the program from another computer, use
the machine name or IP address instead of localhost. The
InSite Enterprise program will open.
The licensing activation page is accessible from the Help
drop-down menu. The menu will only be visible with cer-
tain user privileges enabled to allow you to add/edit soft-
ware license keys.
You can begin using InSite by creating a directory structure
1. Locate your unique Hardware Fingerprint
number on the Feature Licensing page.
2. Call CPC Customer Service at 770-425-2627
with the Hardware Fingerprint to obtain a li-
cense key for the desired features you wish to
3. Click the Add Feature button on the Licens-
ing page and enter the key into the boxes pro-
The login page is the first page that appears when the pro-
gram is started.
1. Enter your Login ID and password into their
respective fields (the Password field is case
4. Click Save.
The key entered will know what feature it is associated
with and will populate the appropriate field(s) on the
screen. To override an existing key, a new key will need to
be added and replace the existing key.
Users created by the installation are "user" with a password
of "pass" for basic user access to the program, and "admin-
istrator" with a password of "pass" that has full control of
the InSite Enterprise system. It is strongly recommended
that you rename these users and change the passwords as
soon as the program is installed and running. It is also high-
ly recommended that each user have his/her own login. For
more information, go to User Manager and Group Manager
sections of the InSite online help.
Click Cancel to stop and exit.
4.1. Core Licensing
The core features of InSite require a core license key. Only
new users will need to enter this key. After a period of 365
days a reminder window will appear and prompt you to re-
new the Core Key. Contact CPC Customer Service for re-
2. Press the Login button or press Return on
your keyboard.
Figure 3-1 - InSite Login
InSite Quick Start Guide
Overview • 1
Figure 5-1 - Directory Configuration Page
Once a directory is created, sites and control systems can be
added and will become visible inside the navigation win-
dow. These different levels or "nodes" make up the naviga-
tion tree structure.
Figure 4-1 - InSite Feature Licensing Page
For more information on Status definitions, see the Fea-
ture Activation and Licensing topic in the InSite online
5.2. Add A Site
To add a site from the navigation tree:
4.2. Feature Licensing
1. Mouse-over/right-click the directory you
wish to add the site to open the directory
All possible InSite features will be displayed on the InSite
Feature Activation screen.
2. Click Add Site. The Site Configuration page
You can also access this menu from the Site Manager lo-
cated under the Admin Tools drop-down list.
Create A Directory
3. Enter the site information into the fields and
click Save. The site you just added appears in
the navigation tree where you can continue to
add sites and other view levels if desired.
5.1. Add A Directory
Directory structures include a directory, a site, and a con-
trol system. Units will automatically be populated once the
control system has been added. To begin using the program
by setting up a directory structure:
1. Open the Admin Tools drop-down menu.
2. Click InSite Setup > Directory Manager.
3. Click the Add Directory button. The Direc-
tory Configuration page opens.
4. Enter the directory information into the fields
and click Save. Your directory should now
appear in the navigation tree where you can
begin adding sites and other view levels.
Figure 5-2 - Site Configuration Page
Click Cancel to stop and exit the page.
2 • Feature Licensing
1. Open the Admin Tools drop-down menu.
NOTE: Click the Refresh button
top of the navigation window to see any new
levels that have been added. The Windows
at the
2. Click InSite Setup > User Manager.
3. Click the Add User button. The User Config-
uration page opens.
Refresh button on the browser will log the user
4. Enter the user information into the fields and
click Save. A user has been created and is
saved to the database.
5.3. Add A Control System
To add a Control System from the navigation tree:
1. Mouse-over/right-click the site you wish to
add the control system to (a control system is
a descendant level of a site).
2. Click Add Control System. The Control
System Configuration page opens.
3. Enter the control system information into the
fields and click Save. The new control system
is visible in the navigation tree. Continue to
add other view levels if desired.
Figure 5-4 - User Configuration Page
Figure 5-3 - Control System Configuration Page
5.3.1. Security Settings
What Else Can You Do On The User Configu-
ration Page? Set the Engineering Units default,
activate GS Screen menus, and enable GS
Screens to be set as your home page.
Security settings for InSite are defaulted at the group con-
figuration level normally. Under the Optional section on
the Control System Configuration page: If the protocol
checkbox is enabled here (at the control system level), In-
Site will use the protocol information entered at the control
system level and bypass the information at the group level
for only the units located under this control system.
You have now successfully created a navigational tree
structure where you can continue adding directories, sites,
and other view levels.
5.4. Set Up Users (Optional)
It is recommended that a directory structure be set up first,
but users with administrator privileges can set up users and
InSite Quick Start Guide
Create A Directory Structure • 3
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